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I’m doing summer right! Grandkids galore, and a break from “normal life” for a couple months was in order.

Here are a couple of my recent podcasts – they were both excellent hosts and they made me look good!

Enjoy your summer! I’ll be back before you know it.

Love, Angie

This was such a great show to do – join us for a wander through lots of good stuff!
What a terrific conversation – we talked about some of the issues we face in finding our purpose as we move toward retirement.
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I’m glad you’re here.

We are meant to do this life together, and there’s some really funny stuff that happens in mine! There’s also sad and hard stuff, and I write about it all on my blog, Framing the Days.

“Peering into the Tunnel: An Outsider’s Look into Grief,” is available on Amazon in Paperback and Kindle.

Released October 2022

If you read (or have read) Peering, I would very much appreciate a review on Amazon. Reviews are like treasure to authors!