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There’s this boy I love, and his name is Lincoln. He’s 10, and you might have heard me talk about him before. When he’s around the house is full of laughter, serious conversations happen often … and a LOT of energy gets expended, by all of us!

Over the summer I spent a good amount of time with him, and I think I “learned” him somewhat. He likes to have a plan, and then stick to it. He’s a super picky eater (texture). He doesn’t like the dark, and prefers to keep a lamp on all night. He is an “external processor,” basically meaning he has to talk it out. And he needs alone time like other people need air.

What I also realized is that we are very similar. I always have a list, if not a plan. I hate coconut (texture). I always sleep with a lamp on. I too am an external processor (just ask my husband about alllll my words). And I simply must have time alone to recharge my batteries.

Knowing that we share these things makes it pretty easy for me to drop right into his 10-year-old ADHD boy shoes (despite my never having been any of those things), and I’m not kidding sometimes I think I can feel his feelings.

Also …

His questions are endless, his knowledge is remarkable and his vocabulary is just plain fun. He challenges me constantly, and I have to remind myself that this is the way he learns – by asking questions, imparting information, and trying out new ideas and words.

However …

He also needs to learn to listen when it’s time to listen. To do that he will have to stop talking and I don’t think he quite gets that part yet. 😊

We’re working on it … endless repetitions of “You wanna know what I think about this?” and “You wanna know how I think we should do it?” honestly lead me into frustration and I’ve yet to figure out a solution that we can both live with. I want him to tell me all the things (usually), I want him to ask the questions (mostly), but I also want him to slow his brain down long enough to hear what I’m saying, because usually I’m trying really hard to answer his questions with why or why not.

I know I do need to let him process out loud, as much as I can stand it, even when he’s correcting my grammar. He’s often right, but he ALWAYS thinks he is …

All this got me thinking. I wonder how often I approach God this same way: endless repetition and no listening. How in the world can I possibly hear what He’s telling me if I’m talking non-stop? Why do I think I can (or should) come up with a “new and improved” way to run my life, when He has already given me a perfect plan? I bet He’s trying really hard to tell me all the things and answer all my questions, if I’d just be quiet long enough to listen.

Lincoln is like me, yes. And I am just like him.



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Published inGod's planGrandsPriorities


  1. JK Stenger JK Stenger

    I agree. A well-written piece that carries a lot of emotion. How sad to think we are ALWAYS right when we talk to God while we are hardly EVER right. And then to think of the love He bestows upon us, regardless.
    A great example Angie. Keep loving Lincoln.
    Well done.

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