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(Creighton and Tyler)

I met Creighton a few months ago at a Mom’s group at church. It was her first time, and even though she knew one other person there I could tell she was shy … and uncomfortable.

And WOW could I relate! Introvert + social gatherings = PLEASE NO.

But she was there, and I noticed her right away. Before the morning was over I had connected with her and knew immediately that 1) I loved her and 2) She was for me.

What? What does that mean, “for me”? I prayed, I journaled, I asked God what my next move should be, if any.

And then I saw her in church with her family on Sunday! I made a beeline for her, hugged her tight, and before I knew it we had plans to get together on Thursday.

Lord, I prayed, let me be a light. Let me be in the shadow of the Cross. Let her see in me the Life you have for her, because of the gorgeous life you’ve given me.

So we met. And we covered a LOT of territory! She’s brilliant, she had a LOT of questions … and she was simply not ready to surrender to Jesus then. But I bought her a bible anyway, and we made plans to study John together. Because I KNOW the Word of God is living and active … and I knew He was chasing her. And so I prayed.

They were in church every Sunday for a few weeks.

And then she disappeared. Oh, she had some reasons (excuses) about why we couldn’t meet and why this was a bad time for her to try to study the Bible. But I knew what the real reasons were, all the same ones I had so long ago. Doubt, fear and shame, to name a few.

Did this make me sad? Yes. Frustrated, irritated, fearful? NO. Did I chase after her? NO. Did I inundate her with “God things?” NO. What I did do was stay connected to her, as much as she would let me. Was I pushy? I hope not. I just wanted her to know that I loved her, no matter what.

Over the next few months, our contact was sporadic. But THEN! They appeared in church again one Sunday. And on that Sunday, all of heaven sang when she turned her life over to Jesus.

Of course I reached out immediately, and we have again begun to meet weekly, starting VERY slowly through the book of John. We go down many many rabbit trails, and it is pure joy to discover alongside her something in the Word which resonates deeply with both of us. It is exhilarating to be with her – her questions are amazing, her hunger to know more is insatiable, and especially this … her countenance has completely changed.

Where I saw fear, I now see hope.

Where I saw confusion, I now see clarity.

Where I saw discomfort with the gospel, I now see her embracing it.

Where I saw insecurity … this one will take awhile (for all of us) … I see her sitting taller, and gaining confidence, every time I’m with her.

She is brave. And it is incredibly good for me to spend time with her. To catch the joy that comes from her “first love” and to return to it myself. Yes, she is learning. But so am I.

Is there any secret to developing a relationship like this? I don’t think so. I think it starts with love, and acceptance, and non-judgment. Those are the things that can lead to deep connection, and also lead into deep important conversations that probably wouldn’t happen otherwise.

Of course I was tempted to chase her down and force myself on her, force JESUS on her because after all, He’s the difference between life and death. But I felt so very strongly that I was to back off and pray, so I did.

And God brought her back to me, to grow her up, yes, but also to teach me. What a privilege!

Want to hear the next part of the story? Of course you do!

Just a couple weeks after they returned to church, her husband Tyler (who was understandably confused by his “new” wife) walked up to the front of the church, straight to Pastor Dave, and simply said, “I need Jesus.”

Ohhhhh the joy! I shed a million tears for their redemption, and I am so very excited for them to start this journey together. I personally have seen some incredible changes in each of them, and in their marriage, already.

Connection. That’s where I started, and that’s where I’ll end. Call it discipleship, mentoring, connecting, doing life together, whatever you want to, but at the end of the day it’s about creating safe spaces with our unconditional love, it’s about openness and vulnerability, it’s about being willing to share from our own lives some of the hard things. It’s being available.

That’s it. It’s pretty simple, and it looks different for every person and every circumstance. But there is no need for us to fear entering into these kinds of relationships. Yes, they can be intense. Yes sometimes we have to set boundaries. But I’m telling you, the joy you receive in return will overcome the fear and hesitation in a heartbeat.

In this same vein, at the end of this post I’m leaving you with a recording I did with Eric Stephens recently about discipleship and connection on his podcast, Rooted in Christ. I would love if you would listen and comment, and you won’t be sorry if you follow him on YouTube. His shows are always phenomenal!

That’s it for today. I feel like I could go on forever because truly I am passionate about it (duh) but this is enough words.

Lord, I pray for all of us that we will be BRAVE, despite our own fears (and excuses). Help us to watch for and recognize the opportunities You set before us to just love. And let us not miss any chances to plant and water the seeds of Life – that is the gospel. And I pray that we will remember that no matter what happens, YOU are the one who harvests. Amen.

What a joy and a relief to know that my responsibilities are few … may I be found obedient.



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Published inVulnerability and connection


  1. You and this are why the Church has a place in this crazy world. This is our purpose as church people. The Holy Spirit has a role, as you pointed out. The Church continues to survive after 2,000+ years because of the Holy Spirit and because God has created faith to be communicated person to person. There are lots of bad eggs in churches and those get all the social media hype, but the Church is really made up of people like you. And the Church is beautiful.

  2. Amen and Amen. What a wonderful testimony. Really, it’s the reason and the only reason we are still on this confusing planet, as there are many lost souls, who are hungry for love, but they don’t quite know where to find it. We have the answer, but we can’t force it on others. Never, ever should we push peoiple in our owen strength.
    You are a shining example, dear Angie, and it’s only right you are so excited about Creighton and Tyler. It says even the angels rejoice when someone turns from their darkness and embraces the light. Wonderful.

  3. What a beautiful story! Informative and encouraging on the practical steps of discipleship.
    I like the reminder too that we are not alone, and we should in step with the leading of the Spirit.

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