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It’s (usually) ok to not know

I’ve had millions of doctor appointments since the last time we chatted. But when you’re autoimmune, just finished radiation, and aging quickly (I just turned 60!), it’s the norm and not the exception.

I could bore you with the details, but … they’re boring. Even when I get unhappy surprises though, at this point in my life all I can do is laugh and say, “Oh, so we’re doing this now! Ok then.”

One of my appointments required an x-ray of my hips. So I changed into a pair ginormous paper shorts, had the tests, and then saw the doctor. It was a lengthy but good appointment. At the end, he stood to go and I grabbed my purse, intending to walk out right behind him.

He looked at me a little funny and said, “You might want to put your own clothes back on before you go.” Oh. Sure, why not. I started laughing, he started laughing, and I told him “you’re welcome for the free entertainment.” That was Monday – I think I might have given him fodder for the whole week ….

Seriously, though, sometimes the medical stuff just gets old. I get tired, for sure. But at the end of every day, I come back to this:

I remember who I am, and more importantly WHOSE I am. Then comes peace. Even though it is tempting to fall into “why me” thinking, that is the wrong question. The right one is, “Why NOT me?” If I believe the Bible is true (I do) then I must take God at His word. He created me. He has good plans for me. He will never leave me. Every hair on my head is counted. He delights in me, calms my fears, rejoices over me. His promises are innumerable to those who believe – all that’s left is to live well in the light of them, not the light of my circumstances.

May it be true of me.



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Published inAutoimmuneGod's planMedical


  1. JK Stenger JK Stenger

    Wow, Angie, what a delightful post. Funny, deep, and so true. It shows clearly how the Potter is at work in your life and how you, as the ‘Clayton’ in His hands, are slowly being formed into the heavenly image He has in mind. God bless you. I loved your post.

  2. Jan Johnson Jan Johnson

    I’m sorry you had/have to go through this…
    But, a little humor along the way helps.
    I just had Mohs surgery and am now scar face LOL.
    But the cancer’s gone, so I’m ok with that.
    The scar can remind me of Jesus.

  3. Jan Johnson Jan Johnson

    I’m sorry you had/have to go through this…
    But, a little humor along the way helps.
    I just had Mohs surgery and am now scar face LOL.
    But the cancer’s gone, so I’m ok with that.
    The scar can remind me of Jesus.

  4. Carolyn Overstreet Carolyn Overstreet

    Angie, I’m sorry for what you are going through, but your faith, good attitude, and humor will help on those “not so sunny” days.

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