… that’s the word I chose for 2025. And I really thought I was. With God on my side, how could I be stopped?
On January 3rd I had back surgery, with a (truly) miraculous result. I was pain free for the first time in nearly a year, and the joy was almost overwhelming. I’d cleared THREE MONTHS for surgery recovery, and suddenly I had this huge gift of time.
So naturally I started making plans to go full steam ahead on a new project I’m very excited about, and quickly began to fill that calendar back up.
On January 10th I planned to write an article about being “unstoppable.” I did my homework, found some cool stuff, made my notes and I was ready.
Something interrupted me that day – I forget what but I am highly distractable so it’s not an unusual occurrence. So I left this sitting on my screen with every intention of getting right back to it on Monday.

But instead, I was up wandering in the night and at about 2am Sunday morning I lost my balance (also normal) and fell backwards to the floor, landing on a wooden box and doing damage to ribs in my back and my right wrist.
I have to be honest and say it’s some of (if not THE) worst pain I’ve ever experienced, and I’ve been totally out of commission until the last few days. I think I’ve turned the corner now but it is going to be a slooooow process and I must be patient.
Also honest: I lost track of my joy. I felt discouraged and frustrated, and deeply disappointed. I was full speed ahead for that one week … and I guess that’s all it took for me to get way out ahead of God.
I made my plans, I set up interviews, I edited some articles I’d received. I moved forward.
Do you see that? I, I, I, I – ugh.
Lest you misunderstand me, I do NOT think God knocked me down in the middle of the night to teach me a lesson. That’s not how He works, at all. However, I spent the next two weeks in a pit of despair and self-focus, watching all my plans crumbling before my eyes.
Until finally, FINALLY! This dawned on me:
I am most certainly stoppable. God is not.
If I want to move forward into this year of “unstoppability” I need to stop. Stop making plans that are my own. Stop forging ahead if it’s time to wait. Most of all, I must stop thinking that I’m unstoppable.
Once all that “I” stuff is out of the way, I am reduced to a place of peaceful surrender and humility, ready to listen and move forward however and whenever HE says to move. But not until then.
This quote by C.H. Spurgeon pretty much sums it all up:

This. This is the ONLY way that I am unstoppable, in the hands of the One who knows best.
I have officially surrendered my own plans, and even though I really thought they were good – even great – plans, they are irrelevant now. These coming days will unfold in one of two ways:
- Me continuing to feel sorry for myself because I didn’t get my way, OR
- Me living in the simplicity of surrender, trusting that whatever comes my way is God-given and therefore best.
Isaiah 55:9 says, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.”
Then He promises this: “My word … shall not return to Me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.” (v. 11)
I must trust that His purposes for and through me will be accomplished, and my only job is to reject my own plans in favor of His.
The word for 2025, then? Still UNSTOPPABLE … as a listener and as a follower, His purposes WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED, my hand in His.

Did you choose a word or set goals for this year? How’s it going so far?
Dear Angie, I can relate to these thoughts so much! Even after all the lessons that He has brought me through to learn to let Him pace my days, if I have a day that’s lower in pain, I also find myself jumping into all the plans I had missed doing! oh I’m so slow to learn. But thank God for His mercy! He is so tender with us. I’m so glad that he is unstoppable! what a great word. Mine is “mystery” which is so fitting for my days already. He knows and sees what I cannot!
Mystery! I love that too – the unfolding of His beautiful plans in our lives. And He is tender indeed!
That is a great post. So hard for us to really understand that it is not I that lives but Christ in us. I was wondering if I can translate this for my Dutch readers. It may be a blessing to some of them. Is that allowed?
Yes of course you can JK – I’d be honored. Thank you!
Such a blessing to read now. I am going through some health issues now also. I need to remember that God’s plans are best and stop putting pressure on myself to do things. Rest in Him!
Amen Nellie – the worst pressure is the kind we put on ourselves. Praying for you.
Beautiful post, Angie! I’m so glad you’re feeling better and that pain is wafting away.
Thank you! So many lessons learned in the dark 😊